My Library of Books

Here I have everything from Linux, Python, R, Raspberry Pi, and Arduino books!

Practical SQL

How to use PostGres SQL

How Linux Works

How Linux Works


Introduction to Statistical Learning with R

Linux Basics for Hackers

Learn some simple tricks for Linux

Lego Adventure Book Volume 2

Fun with Legos

The Manga Guide to Crytpography

Cryptography Fun

Raspberry Pi Cookbook

Do cool stuff with Raspberry Pi

Build your own Website

Learn how to build a website from scratch: HTML, CSS, & Javascript

The Manga Guide to Regression Analysis

Learn about Linear Regression and how to utilize it to the fullest.

The Art of R Programming

Take an in depth dive into R Programming

The Manga Guide to Linear Algebra

Learn Linear Algebra

The Manga Guide to Relativity

Learn about relativity.

The Manga Guide to Microprocessors

Learn about Microprocessors

NGINX Http Server


Blackhat Python

Learn to manipulate Python


Utilize ggplot2 to create stunning visualizations